Bung Hatta dilahirkan di kota Bukittinggi, di tengah dataran tinggi Agam, Sumatera Barat tangal 12 Agustus 1902 dari pasangan keluarga H. Mohammad Djamil (Ayah) dan Siti Saleha (Ibu). Sewaktu kecilnya, Mohammad Hatta sering dipanggil Mohammad Athar, dan ketika masa perjuangan kemerdekaan, beliau lebih populer dengan panggilan Bung Hatta, yang pada saat itu bermakna “saudara seperjuangan”.
Mohammad Hatta merintis karier sebagai aktivis organisasi sejak berusia 15 tahun sebagai bendahara Jong Sumatranen Bond Cabang Padang. Kesadaran politiknya berkembang karena sering menghadiri ceramah dan pertemuan politik. Salah seorang tokoh politik yang menjadi idola Hatta ketika itu ialah Abdul Moeis. pengarang roman Salah Asuhan; aktivis partai Sarekat Islam; anggota Volksraad; dan perintis majalah Hindia Sarekat, koran Kaoem Moeda, Neratja, Hindia Baroe, serta Utusan Melayu dan Peroebahan.
Hatta mengawali karier pergerakannya di Indische Vereeniging pada 1922, menjadi Bendahara. Penunjukkan itu berlangsung pada 19 Februari 1922, ketika terjadi pergantian pengurus Indische Vereeniging dari Ketua lama dr. Soetomo diganti oleh Hermen Kartawisastra. Momentum suksesi kala itu punya arti penting bagi mereka di masa mendatang, sebab ketika itulah mereka memutuskan untuk mengganti nama Indische Vereeniging menjadi Indonesische Vereeniging dan kelanjutannya mengganti nama Nederland Indie menjadi Indonesia. Sebuah pilihan nama bangsa yang sarat bermuatan politik. Dalam forum itu pula, salah seorang anggota Indonesische Vereeniging mengatakan bahwa dari sekarang kita mulai membangun Indonesia dan meniadakan Hindia atau Nederland Indie.
Selasa, 29 November 2011
Kamis, 21 April 2011
10 coordinate conjunction sentences
1.he's confused choose or chocolate pudding
2.lira love ice cream and milk
3.he does not like crowds, but he liked solitude
4.ken sucks so make barbie cry
5.frans not go to london but to America
6.hadi here to make fun lira.
7.desya get good grades, so desya dancing all the way.
8.lira beautiful and captivating
9.Dira not stupid nor smart
10.Dira swim, but not sunbathing.
2.lira love ice cream and milk
3.he does not like crowds, but he liked solitude
4.ken sucks so make barbie cry
5.frans not go to london but to America
6.hadi here to make fun lira.
7.desya get good grades, so desya dancing all the way.
8.lira beautiful and captivating
9.Dira not stupid nor smart
10.Dira swim, but not sunbathing.
Rabu, 20 April 2011
pengertian conjuntion
Conjunction (kata sambung) adalah kata untuk menghubungkan kata-kata, ungkapan-ungkapan, atau kalimat-kalimat dan sebagainya, dan tidak untuk tujuan atau maksud lain.
Konjungsi tidak dihubungkan dengan objek, konjungsi tidak menerangkan kata, konjungsi hanya menghubungkan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu kata yang sama dapat merupakan preposisi dalam bagian yang satu, adverb dalam bagian yang lain, atau konjungsi dalam bagian yang lain pula.
A. Coordinating conjunction
Coordinating conjunction menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat sederajat yaitu kalimat yang satu tidak bergantung pada kalimat lainnya. Kalimat-kalimat yang sederajat dapat digabungkan dengan empat cara yang berbeda dan ini menimbulkan empat jenis coordinative conjunction yang berbeda juga.
B. Subordinating Conjunction
Konjungsi subordinat menghubungkan kalimat pokok dengan anak kalimat. Kata sambung ini misalnya karena, sejak, kalau dan sebagainya. Anak kalimat diawali suordinating conjunction, tidak dapat berdiri sendiri.
Konjungsi tidak dihubungkan dengan objek, konjungsi tidak menerangkan kata, konjungsi hanya menghubungkan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu kata yang sama dapat merupakan preposisi dalam bagian yang satu, adverb dalam bagian yang lain, atau konjungsi dalam bagian yang lain pula.
A. Coordinating conjunction
Coordinating conjunction menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat sederajat yaitu kalimat yang satu tidak bergantung pada kalimat lainnya. Kalimat-kalimat yang sederajat dapat digabungkan dengan empat cara yang berbeda dan ini menimbulkan empat jenis coordinative conjunction yang berbeda juga.
B. Subordinating Conjunction
Konjungsi subordinat menghubungkan kalimat pokok dengan anak kalimat. Kata sambung ini misalnya karena, sejak, kalau dan sebagainya. Anak kalimat diawali suordinating conjunction, tidak dapat berdiri sendiri.
Jumat, 08 April 2011
I wish I wasn’t here.
I wish everything could be ok.
I’m only here because a few people
Have parts of my heart.
And I can’t leave until I get it back.
Everything’s wrong and its my fault.
If you really knew me.
You wouldn’t pretend everything’s ok
Because I know its not.
It’s dying all around us.
Why is it happening?
I have an idea.
It’s because of me.
Don’t tell me I’m wrong cause I’m not.
Maybe I'm not the reason the whole worlds crashing.
But I'm the reason mine is.
I wish everything could be ok.
I’m only here because a few people
Have parts of my heart.
And I can’t leave until I get it back.
Everything’s wrong and its my fault.
If you really knew me.
You wouldn’t pretend everything’s ok
Because I know its not.
It’s dying all around us.
Why is it happening?
I have an idea.
It’s because of me.
Don’t tell me I’m wrong cause I’m not.
Maybe I'm not the reason the whole worlds crashing.
But I'm the reason mine is.
How do you see me cold hearted
How do you see me?
Cold hearted, Desperate, Deadly?
Yes, I am all of these...
I don't really care what is going on...
I want to be forgiven for my sins,
And I am mortal...
I guess I just want forgiveness...
Or maybe just revenge on you, for what you did to me...
For what he did to the one I loved...
Well, maybe I'm meant to suffer for eternity....
Cold hearted, Desperate, Deadly?
Yes, I am all of these...
I don't really care what is going on...
I want to be forgiven for my sins,
And I am mortal...
I guess I just want forgiveness...
Or maybe just revenge on you, for what you did to me...
For what he did to the one I loved...
Well, maybe I'm meant to suffer for eternity....
i always lived life of pain as child
I always lived a life of pain
As a child picked on and bullied
They all thought I was different
So they hurt me, hurt me more, then scurried
My teenage years, well what I remember
Were suck, But mainly hated
After the life tragedy
My teenage years suddenly faded
The one that i hate for the most, already dead now...
and i find myself thinking through a meal,
About everything thats happened to me
The scars that will never heal
I could have taken my life long ago
However I still live
Maybe im an innocent fool, or maybe
I still have love to give.
As a child picked on and bullied
They all thought I was different
So they hurt me, hurt me more, then scurried
My teenage years, well what I remember
Were suck, But mainly hated
After the life tragedy
My teenage years suddenly faded
The one that i hate for the most, already dead now...
and i find myself thinking through a meal,
About everything thats happened to me
The scars that will never heal
I could have taken my life long ago
However I still live
Maybe im an innocent fool, or maybe
I still have love to give.
days are gone coming back haunting me i
The days are gone coming back haunting me
I can't find the thing that can fill it,
Filling the hole that made
I can't make it Disappear from my mind
Make my heart beating like crazy
Make my self hurting for the second time
Make my mind screaming like crazy
Make myself want to explode
The sugar that make things sweet has become bitter
The light that make things bright has make me blind
The wind that make me feel cold has freezing me
The sun that warm me now has burn me
Now It's all too much
Now the love is hurting me
Help me hate you...
I have too much love you
You are very meaningful to me
*Now I hate that i love you*
Someone help me...
I can't find the thing that can fill it,
Filling the hole that made
I can't make it Disappear from my mind
Make my heart beating like crazy
Make my self hurting for the second time
Make my mind screaming like crazy
Make myself want to explode
The sugar that make things sweet has become bitter
The light that make things bright has make me blind
The wind that make me feel cold has freezing me
The sun that warm me now has burn me
Now It's all too much
Now the love is hurting me
Help me hate you...
I have too much love you
You are very meaningful to me
*Now I hate that i love you*
Someone help me...
things has made me crazy things were
Things has made me crazy
Things were gone has spinning around and coming back haunted me
The one who should be gone back from the dead and chase all the night
But no one see it,
Help me...
For days my mind has been stuck to it, drying my eyes, make the world spin faster than ever
I don't understand why...
The shadow always sulking inside my heart, inside my mind...
Should I go far away from this world to forget things
Should I stop beating my heart just to forget it,
Like Devil has gone through my mind
Breaking me from the inside.
Things were gone has spinning around and coming back haunted me
The one who should be gone back from the dead and chase all the night
But no one see it,
Help me...
For days my mind has been stuck to it, drying my eyes, make the world spin faster than ever
I don't understand why...
The shadow always sulking inside my heart, inside my mind...
Should I go far away from this world to forget things
Should I stop beating my heart just to forget it,
Like Devil has gone through my mind
Breaking me from the inside.
Don't be afraid to tell the ones you love...
How much you cherish them....
1000 words may reach them but not bring them back...
So remind them how much they mean to you...
If you wait too long for the perfect moment to tell them, the perfect moment will pass you by...
And when they're gone, no matter how loud you are, they will never hear...
How much you cherish them....
1000 words may reach them but not bring them back...
So remind them how much they mean to you...
If you wait too long for the perfect moment to tell them, the perfect moment will pass you by...
And when they're gone, no matter how loud you are, they will never hear...
The tears run down my face
I wish death upon myself
The dark one’s touch
Creates comfort on the soul less self I’ve become
The misery I’ve created
For others now tripled on myself
I want to give u
Yet no one lets me
Why not?
Why shouldn’t I be allowed to give up?
To leave all of this behind
It’s the Karma
It’s the pain I’ve caused others
The pain they couldn’t escape
So now I must suffer.
I must pay for my mistakes
I need to learn
I need to see what why it is wrong
I NEED to experience this pain
To see why it’s so depressing
So filled with misleading emotions and torture
I wish death upon myself
The dark one’s touch
Creates comfort on the soul less self I’ve become
The misery I’ve created
For others now tripled on myself
I want to give u
Yet no one lets me
Why not?
Why shouldn’t I be allowed to give up?
To leave all of this behind
It’s the Karma
It’s the pain I’ve caused others
The pain they couldn’t escape
So now I must suffer.
I must pay for my mistakes
I need to learn
I need to see what why it is wrong
I NEED to experience this pain
To see why it’s so depressing
So filled with misleading emotions and torture
Kamis, 07 April 2011
John Terry
Full Name: John George Terry
Place of Birth: London, England
Date of Birth: 07-12-1980
Nationality: British
Position: Defender
Playing in the Club: Chelsea
John George Terry was born in Barking, East London, England on December 8, 1980, 188 cm man's body plays a central defender who plays as a strong and has the ability to 'tackle' hard on the club's English Premier League football Chelsea. At the club he holds the team captain's armband.
Together with Frank Lampard and Petr Cech he led Chelsea FC won the Premier League in 2005 after the club's last championship 50 years ago ie in 1955 and the Premiership champions in 2006 and also the League Cup in 2005.
Terry currently lives in Oxshott, Surrey with his wife, Toni Poole.
His brother, Paul is also a professional soccer player, but he played at a lower level. He currently plays for Yeovil Town.
John Terry is the original product built from the Blues academy football. In 2007 he was listed as the first captain to lift the trophy at the New Wembley Stadium when Chelsea beat Manchester United. And became the first player to score international at the stadium the New Wembley when England's 1-1 draw with Brazil.
Full Name: John George Terry
Place of Birth: London, England
Date of Birth: 07-12-1980
Nationality: British
Position: Defender
Playing in the Club: Chelsea
John George Terry was born in Barking, East London, England on December 8, 1980, 188 cm man's body plays a central defender who plays as a strong and has the ability to 'tackle' hard on the club's English Premier League football Chelsea. At the club he holds the team captain's armband.
Together with Frank Lampard and Petr Cech he led Chelsea FC won the Premier League in 2005 after the club's last championship 50 years ago ie in 1955 and the Premiership champions in 2006 and also the League Cup in 2005.
Terry currently lives in Oxshott, Surrey with his wife, Toni Poole.
His brother, Paul is also a professional soccer player, but he played at a lower level. He currently plays for Yeovil Town.
John Terry is the original product built from the Blues academy football. In 2007 he was listed as the first captain to lift the trophy at the New Wembley Stadium when Chelsea beat Manchester United. And became the first player to score international at the stadium the New Wembley when England's 1-1 draw with Brazil.
10 English sentences containing noun clauses.
1. That Kangaroo lives is Australia is well known to all.
2. It is well known to all that Kangaroo lives in Australia.
3. My conclusion is that Kangaroo lives in Australia.
4. All people understand well that Kangaroo lives in Australia.
5. My conclusion that Kangaroo lives is Australia is correct.
6. We discussed about whether she can drive the car.
7. He suggested that I read the book.
8. What she is doing doesn't concern me.
9. I never realize what a pretty girl she is.
10. We are talking about what a pretty girl she is.
2. It is well known to all that Kangaroo lives in Australia.
3. My conclusion is that Kangaroo lives in Australia.
4. All people understand well that Kangaroo lives in Australia.
5. My conclusion that Kangaroo lives is Australia is correct.
6. We discussed about whether she can drive the car.
7. He suggested that I read the book.
8. What she is doing doesn't concern me.
9. I never realize what a pretty girl she is.
10. We are talking about what a pretty girl she is.
Noun Clause adalah Clause yang digunakan sebagai pengganti noun atau berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda). Selain Noun Clause ini, sebenarnya masih ada clause lainnya seperti Adverb Clause dan Adjective Clause. Untuk mendalami penjelasan mengenai Noun Clause, silahkan perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:
Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, Noun Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:
1. Statement (pernyataan)
2. Question (pertanyaan)
3. Request (permintaan)
4. Exclamation (seruan).
Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, Noun Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:
1. Statement (pernyataan)
2. Question (pertanyaan)
3. Request (permintaan)
4. Exclamation (seruan).
Frank Lampard was born in Romford, Essex on the 20th of June 1978. He came from a very football orientated family, with his father, uncle and cousins all heavily involved within the game. He spent most of his early years playing football in his local park, garden and sea coast while on summer holiday’s with the rest of his family. Frank Lampard has always been seen as a very determined individual, and that characteristic was associated with him from an early age. It earned him a place in Heath Park’s youth team. Lampard then went on to have trials for Tottenham, Arsenal and West Ham - Frank followed his heart and signed a youth contract with the Hammers in 1994.
He was at West Ham for a year before he made the difficult decision to go out on loan to Swansea in 1995. Frank Lampard was a very family orientated man, however, he was determined to improve himself as a footballer and that’s what this move did for him. Although the training facilities at Swansea were of a considerably lower standard, Frank built up his strength and came back to Upton Park ready to fight for a first team place. It wasn’t until the 1998-99 season where he finally established himself as a regular first team player for West Ham. Frank Lampard appeared in every match that season for West Ham and he significantly helped his team push for a fifth place finish in the league. This though, attracted many of the key West Ham players to bigger clubs, Rio Ferdinand was first to leave Upton Park in 2000-01 from West Ham’s promising batch of youngsters. This, along with the fact that his uncle and father had quit their jobs as manager and assistant respectively meant a transfer to Chelsea Football Club in 2001 for a reported fee of £11 million pounds.
Ranieri, the Chelsea manager at the time, was a keen fan of Lampard’s style and he was immediately drafted into first team action. He made his debut on the 19th of August against Newcastle United. Frank Lampard then went on to appear in every league match for the Blues that season, netting a total of 8 goals. He was starting to create a name for himself as a goal scoring midfielder andChelsea supporters were excited about the prospect of Frank Lampard playing in a blue shirt for seasons to come. Frank continued to steadily improve while playing for Chelsea, and for the first time in his career he finished the 2002-03 season with 10 goals to his name. By this time, Frank Lampard was already a regular in the England shirt and his scoring-form forChelsea also carried over to England as he netted his first goal for Engand on the 20th of August 2003 against Croatia.
It was in the summer of 2003, when one of the richest men in the world, Roman Abramovich, bought Chelsea Football Club. It meant Lampard could finally show his true potential. He was at a side filled with quality players, and from that moment, he’s never been given a chance to look back. In the 2004-05 season, Lampard scored 19 goals in all competitions, followed by hitting the 20 mark the season after. Lampard was at his peak, and was picking up many personal trophies to prove this: Runner up in the World Player of the Year 2005 to an unstoppable Ronaldinho and the FWA player of the year. Lampard continued to make great progress at club and international level and it was in the 2007-08 campaign where he reached a major goal scoring land mark forChelsea - 100 club goals. An extraordinary achievement for a central midfielder. He was given much world wide recognition for such an achievement.
Lampard has come along way from playing in his back garden with his father, and although now in his thirties, he still plays at the highest level of football and is recognised as one of the best midfielders in the world.

It was in the summer of 2003, when one of the richest men in the world, Roman Abramovich, bought Chelsea Football Club. It meant Lampard could finally show his true potential. He was at a side filled with quality players, and from that moment, he’s never been given a chance to look back. In the 2004-05 season, Lampard scored 19 goals in all competitions, followed by hitting the 20 mark the season after. Lampard was at his peak, and was picking up many personal trophies to prove this: Runner up in the World Player of the Year 2005 to an unstoppable Ronaldinho and the FWA player of the year. Lampard continued to make great progress at club and international level and it was in the 2007-08 campaign where he reached a major goal scoring land mark forChelsea - 100 club goals. An extraordinary achievement for a central midfielder. He was given much world wide recognition for such an achievement.
Lampard has come along way from playing in his back garden with his father, and although now in his thirties, he still plays at the highest level of football and is recognised as one of the best midfielders in the world.
Kamis, 03 Maret 2011
Internet merupakan hubungan antar berbagai jenis komputer dan jaringan di dunia yang berbeda sistem operasi maupun aplikasinya di mana hubungan tersebut memanfaatkan kemajuan media komunikasi (telepon dan satelit) yang menggunakan protokol standar dalam berkomunikasi yaitu protokol TCP/IP yang berisikan informasi dan sebagai sarana komunikasi data yang berupa suara, gambar, video dan juga teks.
Internet juga dapat menghubungkan semua orang di dunia dengan sangat mudah. Contohnya adalah dengan adanya berbagai macam situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook, twitter, yahoo messenger, dll. Alasan itulah yang menyebabkan semua orang memakai internet.
Nama: Hadi Nugraha
Kelas: 1EA04/13210076
Internet juga dapat menghubungkan semua orang di dunia dengan sangat mudah. Contohnya adalah dengan adanya berbagai macam situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook, twitter, yahoo messenger, dll. Alasan itulah yang menyebabkan semua orang memakai internet.
Nama: Hadi Nugraha
Kelas: 1EA04/13210076
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